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The Asset Building Coalition Evaluation is a program that provides technical assistance to Family Self-Sufficiency activities that are being funded through the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Camden, NJ. PHMC evaluates the program by analyzing data from tax returns prepared by volunteers and compiling a report on the impact of the free tax preparation program for the Foundation. The report provides information on the refunds returned to Camden taxpayers as a result of the project as well as other information on the characteristics of taxpayers who used the free tax preparation sites.
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For the JHPI Project, R&E staff are addressing the need for a systematic approach for ongoing identification, collection, compilation and reporting of JJPI program performance and individual outcome data (existing and to be developed) and identification of a long-term research program. The project involves four major tasks: creation of logic models for all JJPI clinical programs; a comprehensive data inventory/audit; identification of gaps in JJPI program and client data; and the development of a process for ongoing data collection and reporting through integration with PHMC's Automated Client Registry System.
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PHMC conducted an evaluation of a training program developed by Partners for Sacred Places with funding from the William Penn Foundation. The purpose of the training was to provide representatives from congregations in Northwest and West Philadelphia with information and support to help them identify new sources of funding to expand their services and maintain and repair their buildings. The evaluation focused on measuring specific outcomes and assessing participant experiences with the training and technical assistance provided by Partners' staff.
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PHMC conducted twelve focus discussion groups of Philadelphia adults aged 50 and over to help to provide in-depth information on this population's need for aging and related services now and in the near future. The information will be included in PCA's report on the future of the elderly in Philadelphia in the next ten years.
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The Data Base, initiated in 1983, is the largest regional household health survey in the nation. The data are collected through the Southeastern Pennsylvania Household Health Survey, a five-county survey on the health status, use of health services, and access to health care of area residents. Over 350 local organizations use these data to support program planning, needs assessment, marketing, and development efforts. The data are used to direct attention to the needs of underserved populations -- particularly those who are at-risk for fair or poor health due to age, race, gender, insurance status, or poverty. To find out more about the Community Health Data Base please visit the CHDB website at
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To better understand unmet student health and wellness needs, PHMC is conducting focus groups with University undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, as well as key informant interviews with student affairs administrators to assess priority health promotion needs of the student population and to further understand the issue of stress as connected to students' academic work.
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The Community Asthma Prevention Project Collaborative (CAPP) is an asthma prevention program that includes community-based asthma education classes, a home visiting program, asthma education to primary care providers, and a school component. PHMC is involved in the process and outcome evaluation of this program. Street surveys are used to measure community awareness about asthma.
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To explore emergency department admissions (ED) for injuries related to falls, automobile and bicycle accidents, overexertion and sports-related injuries, PHMC reviewed selected de-identified ED data from the participating hospitals and conducted a survey of ED personnel. The results of the study provide support for the development of strategies to reduce injuries and the need for ED treatment for these types of injuries.
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To assess the impact of nutrition workshops at various health centers, senior centers and community centers, PHMC will analyze changes in knowledge, behavior and attitudes among participants. This information is used in a state-wide evaluation.
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The Merck Childhood Asthma Network (MCAN) is a national organization established to address the growing and complex problem of pediatric asthma throughout the United States. PHMC is evaluating the effectiveness of these programs in reducing the daily burden of pediatric asthma on children and their families in the parts of the city most impacted by childhood asthma.
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Steps to a Healthier Philadelphia (STEPS) goal is to reduce morbidity related to asthma, diabetes and obesity. PHMC is conducting a process evaluation of the program and assisting with the outcome evaluation. Evaluation activities include: meeting observations and documentation of Consortium, Leadership, Pillar, Sustainability, Neighborhood and Faith-based Coalition meetings, annual surveys of the membership, key informant interviews and focus groups. This project is a program of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
PHMC's Research and Evaluation staff analyze and provide assessment and evaluation for a diverse set of health and social service topics including: access and barriers to health care; behavioral health; family and youth violence; gerontology; health behaviors and disease prevention; HIV/AIDS prevention; maternal and child health; and housing.
The populations studied include: women; children and adolescents; older adults; racial and ethnic minorities; low income; and drug users.
The following are selected past and current projects by category: