Child Development and Family Services provides intermediary services to a number of organizations. We have worked closely with local government and other organizations to facilitate various services, including acting as a fiscal intermediary and directing program operations. We help our partners focus on serving their communities by providing administrative capabilities, and provide resources for early childhood education providers, families and community collaborators.
Contact Child Development and Family Services, 267.773.4400
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- Childware
- Child Care Facility Fund
- Curriculum Fund
- Early Childhood Education Professional Development Organization (ECE PDO)
- Early Learning Resource Center, Region 15 Chester County, 19 Delaware County and 18 Philadelphia County
- Fiscal Hub
- Fund for Quality
- Fund for Sustaining Quality
- Out-Of-School Time Program
- Parenting Collaborative
- Philadelphia Inclusion Innovative Initiative
- ParentChild+
21st Century Community Learning Centers
A federally funded program to establish community learning centers that offer academic and enrichment opportunities to youth, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. Through committed partnerships, the program provides dynamic, hands-on Out-of-School Time Programs, “Project LYFT” (Leading Youth For Tomorrow) that provide reading, writing, math, and science support through engaging, student-centered learning on the middle school level and technology and media production focused programming to students on the high school level.
To enroll a student or if you have questions, please contact us at 215.825.8205 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Child Care Facility Fund
The mission of the City of Philadelphia: Child Care Facility Fund is to provide support to high quality early childhood education providers located in Philadelphia for the maintenance and improvement of their facilities to maintain a high-level STAR rating. The Fund is made possible by the City of Philadelphia in alignment with the Citywide Early Learning Plan, 'A Running Start Philadelphia', and is being managed by PHMC on behalf of the Mayor’s Office of Education (MOE).
ChildWare is a quality management system for Pennsylvania’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) providers. The system helps ECE programs raise quality by making it easier to manage administrative tasks and stay on top of licensing and accreditation requirements. ChildWare consists of two integrated components: state-specific software and technical assistance.
Curriculum Fund
The Philadelphia Early Learning Instructional Excellence Initiative (PELEI) Curriculum Fund is a project funded through the William Penn Foundation to establish a fund for the purchase of curriculum materials and related professional development to improve the quality of instruction in early childhood centers. This project builds best practice in early childhood curricula selection and quality classroom application by pairing early learning programs with funding, facilitated peer learning, and pedagogical consultation to develop and refine instruction.
We are currently accepting applications from ECE providers for funding. Find out if your child care facility is eligible. is an employment portal for early care and education providers and professionals in Pennsylvania. The site enables PA providers to promote open positions and helps professionals identify open ECE and childcare jobs in their region. is open to DHS-certified childcare providers, Head Start programs, licensed nursery schools, and other ECE-related organizations. is an online portal for students, employers and institutions of higher education, to share information relevant to ECE teacher preparation that is offered throughout the state of Pennsylvania.
Early Childhood Education Professional Development Organization (ECE PDO)
Oversees a workforce development program designed by the State of Pennsylvania to help early childhood educators gain valuable credentials and advance their professional careers. ECE PDO will oversee the program for Philadelphia and Southeast (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties) regions. PHMC will provide access to credit-bearing coursework and credentials for early childhood educators, making their continuing education a priority.
Early Learning Resource Center | Region 19, Chester County and 15, Delaware County
As a single point-of-contact for families, early learning service providers and communities, the Early Learning Resource Center provides information and access to services that support high-quality child care and early learning programs. Child care professionals can obtain support in building quality outcomes for children by working with quality coaches to achieve Keystone STAR 3 and 4 status, building connections with community partners, and supporting children and families in accessing additional services, such as PA Pre-K Counts, Head Start, home-visiting, and Early Intervention.
Fiscal Hub
Focusing on improving the financial stability of child care providers, the Fiscal Hub helps child care owners and directors improve their business management practices and financial operations through resources, technical assistance, and policy advancement.
Fund for Quality
The Fund for Quality (FFQ) is a partnership between Reinvestment Fund and Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC), supported by funding from the William Penn Foundation, and Vanguard Strong Start for Kids Program. Through the provision of business planning support and facilities-related financing, Fund for Quality supports high-quality early care and education providers with expanding their services to reach more low-income families.
Fund for Sustaining Quality
With support from Vanguard’s Strong Start for Kids™, the Fund provides STAR 3 and 4 child care facilities, located in Philadelphia, support to develop and implement sustainability plans. Providers work with an expert consultant to reflect on their current operations and landscape threats and opportunities and make needed shifts in practice to ensure sustainability of their business.
Out-Of-School Time Program
The Department of Human Services Out of School Time program supports high-performing, youth serving organizations to operate developmentally appropriate, high quality after school and summer programming (also referred to as out-of-school time programming) for youth in grades K-12, in neighborhoods across the City. PHMC serves as the administrative entity for the investment in after school and summer programming and serves as the fiscal and contracting intermediary for this project.
Parenting Collaborative
PHMC serves as the referring partner for the Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) Parenting Collaborative (PC), which is designed to utilize parenting education to reinforce supportive behaviors of parents and caregivers, enhance parenting skills, and to teach alternative approaches to child-rearing. The DHS PC utilizes evidence-based parenting education to prevent child abuse and reduce the need for child protective service intervention. The PC provides parents and caregivers with access to a variety of educational resources, including essential parenting methods, child development information, parental stress management, anger management and conflict resolution. This program is available to all Philadelphia residents. To learn more about classes or make a referral, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 215.825.8259.
Philadelphia Inclusion Innovative Initiative
The Philadelphia Inclusion Innovation Initiative (PIII) is funded through the William Penn Foundation and aligned with the goal of City-wide sustained adherence to the Office of Child Development and Early Learning’s announcement for Inclusion of All Children in Early Childhood Programs in Pennsylvania. PIII seeks to increase the rigor and sustainability of inclusive practices in Philadelphia early learning environments through a two-fold strategy of direct programmatic engagement with providers and in convening of regional Early Intervention stakeholders to assess broader policy and practice impact opportunities. Early learning providers with defined objectives to sustain or increase organizational capacity to serve children with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act qualifying special needs in inclusive programming will be selected to receive ongoing technical assistance and the resources necessary to implement their proposed inclusion project.
PHLpreK offers free, quality pre-K to children ages 3-4 across Philadelphia. This program is funded by the Philadelphia Beverage Tax proposed by Mayor Kenney and passed by City Council in 2016. PHMC primarily serves as the Administrative Intermediary for the PHLpreK program and supports implementation of the PHLpreK system including managing the provider procurement process, coordinating provider contracting and payment processes in collaboration with other Hub Agencies, developing compliance monitoring protocols for the system, coordinating quality supports to providers, overseeing the enrollment process, and collecting provider- and child-level data for analysis and reporting as outlined in agreement between PHMC and the City of Philadelphia.
Provides critical, intensive early literacy, school readiness supports to prepare underserved children for school and life success. ParentChild+ preempts the achievement gap by providing young children and their parents with learning tools and skills. The program works with families with children as young as 16 months old providing trained community-based Early Learning Specialists, who are linguistic and cultural matches with families, and who model reading, play, and conversation activities for parents and children together.
To enroll families or if you have questions, please contact us at 215.731.1631 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..